
CBS Summary Level Transfers (SLT)

The business rules for Summary Level Transfers (SLTs) require approval at the Line/Staff Office headquarters levels for all SLTs and additional levels of approvals based on dollar thresholds and/or program transfer. 

Click here to access the complete listing of Summary Level Transfer Business Rules (Updated 3/15/2023)

Click here to access the SLT Business Rules Addendum - Exemptions and Exceptions (Updated 7/11/2023)

Click here to access the Summary Level Transfer Approval Form (Updated 10/1/2015)

Click here to access the SLT/DLA Authorized Approver Listing

Click here to access the Summary Level Transfer Training Presentation (Updated August 2016)

Click here to to view/print the Object Class Edit Lift Form (Updated 3/15/2023)

Click here to access the SLT DLCA DLA Surcharge Impact Guidance (Updated October 2016):


CBS SLT Enhancement  

SLT General Information

To correct erroneously recorded cost and obligation data, adjustments should be made at the document or detail level to provide an adequate audit trail. In limited situations, (e.g., if the organization or project/task codes were modified during the year) the NOAA Line/Staff Office, FMC, or cross-serviced agency may request adjustments to line items of summary data using the Summary Level Transfer (SLT) process. 

SLT's should be used as a means to correct erroneous obligations once ALL other methods have been utilized. [Other methods include, but are not limited to: WEB T&A Corrections, Grants On-Line Administrative Correction, Requisition for Change to Correct ACCS through CSTARS, Monthly Bankcard Reconciliation; Document Level Adjustments through the PM040; Advice of Correction through the PM006, etc…] 

The SLT process transfers costs, not resources. The process transfers dollar amounts as paid costs. Only amounts which have been expended to date should be included in SLT's. Amounts in undelivered orders should not be transferred using the SLT process.

SLT Submission Package Guidance

All SLT requests MUST be submitted to SLT's submitted will NOT be posted by Finance unless they are submitted via email. The email to MUST include the following supporting documentation. If any of the required supporting documentation is not included the entire SLT batch will be disapproved.

Commerce Business System (CBS) SLT Entry Instructions

Two methods exist for users to submit SLT transactions in the Commerce Business System (CBS). User access and the nature of the transactions determine which method is appropriate.

No matter which method is used, the Finance Office will perform the final posting.  Finance will check that no business rules have been violated.   Upon approval, the SLT is posted to the trial table within CBS and is normally available in the Data Warehouse the next business day.  Any questions on the SLT process should be directed to 

Entry via STDG005 Screen

For those users who have access to the STDG005 Two Side Transfer Entry Screen, they should enter their transactions on that screen.  Once they have verified that the data passes all applicable edits, they should request that Finance post the batch.  Finance will review the batch, and if appropriate, post it.  If a batch is disapproved, the user can amend the batch and re-submit it for posting. 

The following documentation is available in Adobe Acrobat format for viewing online or printing:

Entry via STDG022 Screen (Spreadsheet Interface)

The STDG022 - Summary Level Transfer Interface screen allows a pre-described spreadsheet file saved as a comma delimited (i.e., .csv) file to be loaded and processed.  The comma delimited file consists of three parts: a header record, detail records, and a trailer record. 

Once users have interfaced the SLT data and verified that it passes system edits and the appropriate NOAA Business Rules, they should request Finance to post the batch.  Finance will review the batch, and as appropriate, post it.  If a batch is disapproved, the user can amend the batch and re-submit it for posting. 

The following documentation is available in Adobe Acrobat format for viewing online or printing:

                   Click here to download a small sample spreadsheet

                   Click here to download a large sample spreadsheet