
CBS Document Level Adjustments (DLA)

The Document Level Adjustment (DLA) Training is LIVE in the CLC!
This new DLA process will become mandatory December 3, 2018.
All DLAs after December 3 will need to be completed using the PMN006 in CBS.
Click here to view/print the instructions for accessing the training in CLC.


The business rules for Document Level Adjustments (DLAs) require approval by the Originator's supervisor for all DLAs and additional levels of approvals based on dollar thresholds and/or program transfer. 

Click here to view/print the Document Level Adjustment Business Rules (Updated 7/31/2019)

Click here to view/print the Document Level Adjustment Approval Form (Updated 6/19/2018)

Click here to view/print the Document Level Adjustment PMN006 User Manual (Updated 6/19/2018)

Click here to access the SLT/DLA Authorized Approver Listing

DLA General Information

Document Level Adjustments (DLA's) should be used to correct fully disbursed obligations and no match transactions. Please note the DLA process transfers costs, not resources. The process transfers dollar amounts as paid costs. For partially disbursed obligations, modifications should be processed through the normal obligation channels (Contracts/ Grants through AGO and Legacy/ Interagency Agreements through the Finance Office). Amounts in undelivered orders cannot be transferred using the DLA process. Bankcard reconciliation errors can also be adjusted using DLAs.

DLA Submission Package Guidance

All DLA requests MUST be submitted to your servicing finance office; either (Eastern Operations Branch) or (Western Operations Branch). If you are not sure of your servicing finance office please view the AOD Customer Crosswalk.

Please note the date in the subject line. If any of the required supporting documentation is not included the entire DLA batch will be disapproved and returned. The email MUST include the following supporting documentation: